ACKlimate is a collaborative supporting innovative and holistic climate change strategies for the Nantucket community and beyond.
What we do.
ACKlimate is a public-private partnership of nearly 20 organizations supporting climate change adaptation, communication, collaboration, and coastal resiliency. The strength of ACKlimate rests in its Partners. While Partners operate independently, we strive towards common goals as a community. With our combined capabilities and efforts, ACKlimate takes bold and courageous actions that align with Nantucket values. Nantucket has been adapting to changing coastal conditions throughout its history, and the work we do will help inspire coastal communities everywhere.
ACKlimate coordinates partnerships between multiple and varied public and private entities on Nantucket. Together, these groups collaboratively work to educate and envision future climate resilience for Nantucket and its cultural and natural resources while responding to the threats of climate change.
Ours is a rather unique collaboration, as it's currently loosely structured and "governed" as an Unincorporated Nonprofit Association, a cooperative partnership of individual organizations, operating with support staff, rather than a governing body. Essentially, we strive to be a roundtable collaborative to create a network of like-minded climate-conscious folk to promote climate change education and action.
ACKlimate creates an environment in which we do not compete for donor dollars with our Partners, and one where all of our Partners are encouraged to participate and assume leadership positions. Partner organizations focus on the large mission, reach consensus and develop recommendations to later pursue through more specialized Spoke Groups.
Climate change demands action on all fronts, from individuals, businesses, non-profits, to government entities. It is up to us as a community to respond efficiently, effectively, and together to appropriately address the challenges ahead. With the help of the ACKlimate Partners and the Nantucket community, we are all moving closer to a resilient and sustainable future.
We are striving to include more businesses, organizations, community members, and volunteers to join us in promoting climate change education and preventative action! If you’re interested in joining us, you can learn more here.
Nantucket is one of countless coastal communities who must rethink its relationship with the sea and adapt to unavoidable climate change effects, but Nantucket has the advantage of a rich history of navigating challenging coastal landscapes. As we look to the past to look forward, Nantucketers have been moving buildings, and even the town of Sherburne, and adapting to changing coastal conditions throughout our history. The 3D mapping, population analytics, green coastal infrastructures, citizen scientist engagement, build back better, historic preservation and architectural salvage initiatives developed here on Nantucket can help coastal populations everywhere.
ACKlimate Staff
We facilitate scheduling, compile and publish agendas, provides coordination and introductions between members, form sub-committees or Spokes to provide Climate Change educational support, and provide Partner promotions via social media.
Ava Rollins
Director of Social Communications
Ava Rollins will now be handling social media for ACKlimate in upleveling our mission.
Ava’s background is in tourism PR. She works with and for non-profits on and off island, including Maria Mitchell Association, and is based on island.
She spent the last five years guiding PR for the city of Vienna, Austria as they substantially increased American tourism, while increasing public green space and lowering emissions at large.
Ava would love to connect with you on 2022 events ACKlimate can help promote, and photo and video assets that can help us visually share our collective objectives.
Will Kinsella
ACKlimate Chair
Will Kinsella is a passionate traveler, public servant and Osceola Foundation Member with life long ties to Nantucket. Following field based environmental research programs in the Bahamas, Costa Rica and Australia, and graduation from Hamilton College, Will began work for Senator John Chafee in 1998 and continued with his son, Lincoln Chafee, throughout his Senate and Gubernatorial terms and campaigns. Will has worked in communications, policy, constituent services and operations, for Democrat, Independent, Libertarian and Republican politicians, and on municipal, state and federal campaigns. He also worked on the Newport World Heritage Committee, the 9th Annual US/ICOMOS International Symposium and was a member of the 2013 COTA Cuban Cultural Mission. Following Governor Chafee's Term, Will pursued his passion for slow surface travel explorations, which included the length of the Silk Route from Beijing-Venice, overlanding Ushuaia-Cartagena and hiking the Camino de Santiago from St. Jean, the Torres del Paine W Trek and to Everest Base Camp. His family has a history of cultural heritage stewardship on Nantucket, where he lives now.
Chad A. Kilvert
Lead Ambassador
As a resident of Nantucket, Chad has always been passionate about preserving the unique natural and historical resources the island has to offer. He is currently working for ACKlimate while pursuing a Master of Science in Sustainability Management from Columbia University. Prior to these endeavors, Chad graduated from Hobart College where he completed a Bachelor of Science in Physics and a minor in Environmental Studies. His primary areas of research were in the fields of renewable energy and sustainability. During his undergraduate career, Chad also studied environmental science and sustainable practices in Freiburg, Germany where energy independence and green living are the city’s top priority. In his final undergraduate semester, Chad conducted an independent study on harnessing the power of ocean waves to supply clean energy to the grid with the added effect of curbing coastal erosion. He hopes to use his knowledge in these fields to help Nantucket tackle issues such as climate change and rising sea levels.