2024 September Climate Change Awareness Month Events!

Land Bank’s 5th Annual Cross-Island Hike
Starts at the beach at the end of Hoick’s Hollow Road in Sconset
Ends at Settler’s Landing in Madaket
There will be Land Bank staff members hiking and along the route. Since not all hikers walk at the same pace, please note the Cross-Island Hike markers for changes in direction.
Please respect your physical capabilities when planning which segment(s) you choose to hike, noting the distance between checkpoints. We will be setting a brisk pace for this four to eight hour hike, so if you choose to hike the whole way, prepare for a long day.
Please wear appropriate shoes, bring sun-screen (or rain gear), insect repellent, lunch and a refillable water bottle. There will be water available at all checkpoints and fruit and snacks. There will be a few port-a-potties along the way.
The hike will be on trails, dirt roads, bike paths, beaches and paved roads. Please use caution on roadways and bike paths. As always, watch out for poison ivy and check for ticks.
Rain Date: Saturday, October 5th

Ecology Excursions – Climate Change Awareness Walk
During September’s Climate Change Awareness Month, join Dr. Jen Karberg at Folger’s Marsh and journey on a walk through Nantucket’s current climate change impacts and explore the importance of existing natural landscapes and the potential for nature-based adaptation for now and in the future.
Nantucket Conservation Foundation
(508) 228-2884

Nature Ramble - Climate Change Impacts at LLNF
Did you know that the Linda Loring Nature Foundation conducts research on and monitors the effects of climate change?
In celebration of Climate Change Awareness Month, join Dr. Sarah Bois, Director of Research and Education, for a climate change tour around LLNF. She’ll showcase LLNF research in action, demonstrate tools we can all use to track changes in our environments, and help participants identify climate change indicators.
How is climate change already affecting LLNF and the island? How is it expected to affect our flora and fauna in the near future? We’ll explore these topics as we tour the LLNF property, highlight areas potentially vulnerable to impacts of climate like sea level rise and warming temperatures, and discuss local efforts to mitigate for climate change effects.
Walking over our gently rolling trails, we’ll explore sandplain grasslands and coastal heathland habitats, and enjoy views of Long Pond as we traverse a portion of the Linda Loring Nature Foundation's Eel Point Road property. We'll see what’s blooming, fruiting, flying, and crawling around the trails. Bring your nature questions- discussion is encouraged!
Rambles are free to attend and open to all!

Ecology Excursions – Climate Change Awareness Walk
During September’s Climate Change Awareness Month, join Dr. Jen Karberg at Folger’s Marsh and journey on a walk through Nantucket’s current climate change impacts and explore the importance of existing natural landscapes and the potential for nature-based adaptation for now and in the future.
Nantucket Conservation Foundation
(508) 228-2884
Add to calendar
September 9
9:00 am - 11:00 am

Kayaking Nantucket Harbor
Join the Nantucket Waterkeeper RJ Turcotte, along with members of our partner organizations, for a 2-hour educational tour of Nantucket’s great ponds.
Explore firsthand the incredible biodiversity of Nantucket’s unique Great Ponds, discuss water
quality issues that face our island’s water resources, and find out how you can help protect and
preserve these special ponds!
Participants will gain a greater understanding of our island’s water resources and great pond
systems and enjoy a fun and educational morning on the water. Kayaks and lifejackets will be
provided. All kayak tours begin at 9AM.
Please note that the NLWC may need to cancel this tour due to unforeseen weather changes. You will be notified in advance; however, ticket purchases are non-refundable. In the event of a cancellation, your purchase will be processed as a donation and becomes fully tax-deductible.
$40 Get Tickets

Nantucket Climate Change Summit
The second annual Nantucket Climate Change Summit will bring together local experts, professionals and managers to explore adapting Nantucket to climate change. Learn how adaptation is already happening on island and share your experiences with climate change adaptation. In partnership with The Linda Loring Nature Foundation, Nantucket Conservation Foundation and sponsored by ReMain Nantucket and Great Harbor Yacht Club, the Summit brings together the Nantucket community to raise awareness around local research and adaptation projects.
The Summit will be held September 4th, 2024 at the Great Harbor Yacht Club. This event will be free and open to the public.

YOUTH v GOV Screening
The Youth Climate Committee is screening the film YOUTH v GOV, at 7pm, on Thursday, Sept. 28th, at the Dreamland with free admission for everyone and the high school students will be introducing the movie and sharing some thoughts and discussion questions at the end.

Nantucket Preservation Trust Salvage and Building Material Reuse Workshop
Join us Wednesday, September 27, from 3-6 PM, at the Nantucket Whaling Museum, 15 Broad Street, for an afternoon of presentations and discussions on the history and future of salvage.
ACKlimate Partner Gathering
ACKlimate Partners and Collaborators are welcome to join us to celebrate Climate Change Awareness Month. Food and drink will be provided to help stimulate climate change conversation!
Hosted by the Maria Mitchell Association at the Hinchman House, 7 Milk Street
RSVP: liamkinsella@gmail.com